Finishing Touches

How often is it that the simple details of a project are the ones that disappoint? Someone puts so much time and effort into their work only to let a couple of poorly-executed tasks dull the luster of the entire thing:

• A custom home with crown molding that doesn’t meet precisely at the corners
• Fine clothing with buttons that aren’t sewn on well
• A premium brand automobile with faux leather seats
• High-end speakers that hiss
• Elegant sunglasses with cheap nose pieces

It’s like reading a mystery novel only to find out at the end that the perp was the dog and it was all a simple freakish accident. You invested your energy and emotions into this tale only to find that it was the wag of a tail that set off an incomprehensible series of events?

Not acceptable!

That’s precisely why Austin Home Transitions puts so much focus on the little things; the finishing touches of a move. Because when it comes down to it, there really aren’t any little things associated with your move. It’s all important, and that’s how we treat it…and you.

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